FREE Community Vaccine Clinics
Our Community Health Services Department led community support efforts during the COVID-19 pandemic. This global health emergency undoubtedly placed incredible constraints on healthcare systems across the U.S. Through strategic collaboration, CSVS defied the odds by providing COVID-19 support to patients and those at the highest risk of infection. To do so, CSVS developed real-time strategies to meet its agricultural community needs free of charge.
March 2020
Mask Distribution & Health Education
CSVS made and distributed face masks for farm workers in the midst of a nationwide shortage. CSVS visited agricultural fields, provided health education, and shared the best preventative measures to combat misinformation surrounding COVID-19.
April 2020
CSVS – in partnership with the Grower Shipper Association and other key leaders -provided COVID-19 testing to maintain the local food supply running safely.
January 2021-Present
As the development and availability of vaccines increased, CSVS advocated for the farm workers of Monterey County to ensure that they joined doctors and other front-line workers in receiving the first round of COVID-19 vaccines. Such partnerships allowed for the execution of mass vaccination clinics for farm workers. Today we continue distributing the COVID-19 booster vaccines.